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Suju world~
  • Wenxin Ng
  • 4th January


  • ign:Zarynne
  • World:Delphinus
  • Lvl:114
  • Job:Priest (to-be-bishop :x)

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  • SUJU

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  • 75% overall [ ]
  • maths > 90%[x]
  • stretch class [ ]
  • Super Show 3 concert[ ]
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  • JJ 7th album [x]
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  • lv 200 in maple [ ]

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    1 truth <3
    sze min
    jasmine ng
    vanessa mok
    ah ying
    Elina (retarded jie~)
    Jeraldine LesLes
    minyou 2U
    siying ;yingying
    林俊杰 <3


    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

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    Designer: Th3onlyskins
    Others: Imageshack, Adobe, Blogskins.com

    I could see disappointment in your eyes… one year of schools fees gone down the drain. All your hard earned money gone down the drain. Why am I so useless? Why am I such a disappointment? Why am I such a burden to him? Despite how much I try to decieve myself: "oh it's CA period" or "she's too strict with the marking" i know, all these are just excuses.
    I dont deserve it. I really dont. Sometimes i wished you didnt give in to my wilfullness when i was young. That could save you enough for you to enjoy retirement right now…
    Let this be a reminder, for me to focus on my goals, never to disappoint, never to let you down again. Once bitten, twice shy, I'm sorry. I really am… I've decided to give up and focus more on academics. I promise not to let history repeat itself again.
    Now, dry your tears, don't shed another tear just because you've failed; the next time you cry, it'll be tears of joy.
    Press on, wx. It'll be the last time you'll cry yourself to sleep tonight.

    Saturday, March 17, 2012 , 00:27
    lol i havent updated for 89430923123 months
    anw, I M FIFTEEN NOW.

    and all i gotta say is:

    Neverending homework. Check.
    Termly EOYs. Check.
    Me failing at least one subject. Check.
    NAGGY MUM. Check.
    NAGGY DAD. Check.
    Stress. Check.

    what else?

    pushing all my hw to sundays is like digging my own grave. i'll end up sleeping at 1am and my eyebags evolved to oversized luggages. 2U'10 clique organizing outing. i doubt i'd be able to go...
    3H class outing is on a saturday..... i cant go too cause of classes from 9am~6pm.

    CA1 is a FAIL. i'd better buck up.
    life has its ups and downs, i'll soon be able to get over it.

    Sunday, March 6, 2011 , 12:57
    SHEESH. my sister gave me her iPhone 3. lol. then she din remove the PW. so i had to sms her for it. then. turned out that she said its supposed to be a secret until she comes home tonight. grr. then everytime i use it she has to unlock for me. grrr. then take iphone for what. -__-"
    bleh i feel so cheated.

    Thursday, September 16, 2010 , 16:55
    to: my parents

    to Mummy: mummy... sometimes you just behave like a bitch and start yelling and aiming arrows at me like no ones business. some time you just dont care. but, you're still my mum. you brought me to this world. :) so i would like to thank you, for taking care of me, for raising me up, and uh, showering me with you love. thank you mummy. i love you :)

    to Papa: Papapapapapapapa :D SORRY 我的华文很烂。常常把你气死。。。 :O

    love, wenxin:D

    Friday, September 10, 2010 , 14:38
    to: my best friend.
    i haven't actually got a best friend.. but, i got a gang of really cool friends:)
    so to the 3 people who made me smile and laugh :)

    to AHLIAN: HELLO AHLIAN. i know u will never come across this post.. but. yea who cares :/ anw, THANKYOU, for.... um actually i dk. for everytime forcing me to go down for recess, knowing that i'm saving up for SS3 ._. and practicing ur karate skills at me. THANKS ALOT HUH. however, i enjoyed spending time with you (and ur phone :])

    to JASSS: HELLO!. I FEEL SUPERIOR STANDING BESIDE YOU :DDD okay, sorry :p THANKYOU, for talking to me when i feel left out during recess :] and always lending me textbooks wheni forget to bring.. LOL. uhh. we shall go crazy over BB, when they make a comeback :)

    to CEO: YOU BOSS. BOSS. GRR DUN DARE SAY ANYTHING LATER SHE SACK ME. UHH. i generally enjoy being with you. BUT. uhh.. nvm. :] pity i cant go SS3 (maybe i can) and spazz with you over SJ :) HAVE FUN. YOU PAMPERED CHILD.

    whoo i'm done. bleh. as i said. i may never complete it. so....... BYE TILL NEXT TIME

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010 , 11:08
    30 letters.
    bleh. i'm just bored. and i need to improve my english... sooo.
    here are the 30 topics to write about.

    Write a letter to
    Day 1 - your best friend.
    Day 2 - your crush.
    Day 3 - your parents.
    Day 4 - your sibling.
    Day 5 - your dreams.
    Day 6 - a stranger.
    Day 7 - your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.
    Day 8 - your favorite internet friend.
    Day 9 - someone you wish you could meet.
    Day 10 - someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Day 11 - a deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Day 12 - the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.
    Day 13 - someone you wish could forgive you.
    Day 14 - someone you’ve drifted away from.
    Day 15 - the person you miss the most.
    Day 16 - someone that’s not in your state/country.
    Day 17 - someone from your childhood.
    Day 18 - the person that you wish you could be.
    Day 19 - someone that pesters your mind—good or bad.
    Day 20 - the one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Day 21 - someone you judged by their first impression.
    Day 22 - someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Day 23 - the last person you kissed.
    Day 24 - the person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Day 25 - the person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Day 26 - the last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Day 27 - the friendliest person you knew for only one day.
    Day 28 - someone that changed your life.
    Day 29 - the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.
    Day 30 - your reflection in the mirror

    i may never complete it.. so. lol

    , 11:06
    SS3 DATE
    Omg WHYYYYY???
    though SS3 will be in Singapore on the 29th Jan 2011, however, that day is also my SIS’S WEDDING… WHICH MEANS THE CHANCES OF GOING SS3 IS NEAR ZERO. L WHYYYYY. CANT THEY PUSH IT FORWARD A BIT… OR HAVE 2 DAYS OF CONCERT LIKE IN SEOUL…

    -cross fingers- hope they might change the date last minute to an earlier or later date.. or maybe make it in the afternoon to evening like in SS3 Seoul second day… most probably they wont but I’m just hoping in hope… sigh.
    if they don’t, I’ll try to shed some tears and ask them to bring me go KL in Malaysia to watch them :D THAT WOULD BE AWESOME TOO :D :D Since i'm the one paying for the tickets :x keke, maybe they will feel guilty of depriving me from SJ, then they will top up the money for front row seats! :D

    Sigh I wanna cry alr. Okay gotta return to geog.

    Sunday, August 29, 2010 , 16:08
    hello peeps. I'M BACK.
    missed me?

    today we had art lesson.. omg art is really giving me a headache...

    This is ryeowook if you can tell... SORRY LEH I DRAW TILL SO UGLY =.= NO BASHING THX!

    This is donghae(top) and eunhyuk(bottom)... bleh i din draw his head yet cos my drawing sucks and when i draw his head i totally disfigure him :( SORRY AGAIN. AND NO BASHING...

    oh and it's jasmine's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! this's the card i made for her ;x Damn fail i know :(
    shit i got most of my ppr today. guess what. i failed history again... D7 =.= sian. and i failed my tong yi ce yan by 1 mark ><" sian tmr i try dig one more mark to pass. grr. okay gotta chiong my home ec pbl task le.
    End-of-year exams coming :((((((( after that, i will continue fangirlling, and spazzing lol. and learn kpop songs on piano :D
    buh bye. i'm gonna mia from blogger again. so probably you'll see be back here after EOYs :D

    Monday, August 23, 2010 , 16:14
    HEENIM Saengil Chuka Hae!~

    haha leeteuk shouted "Heenim saengil Chuka hae" today, which means Happy birthday heechul :) hehe. nice ribbon you've got there @Heedicator :)

    hahah i found my new bias~ DONGHAE~~~~~~ AHHH HE IS SO CUTEEEE :]

    heh math test coming thurs :] Mr Kuah said it will be tough. WELL FINALLY SN's Math paper has got standard -_- should see the primary sch one. wah i will never forget. i scored 60+% for my math when i was in Pri5/6, cried like hell. previously i used to be 97%? LOL. anw that's in the past. what matters now is the present~ So, I WILL, and TRY MY VERY BEST, to score full marks in the upcoming test, just to fulfill my wish of achieving 100% at least once this year for math :)


    Saturday, July 10, 2010 , 22:12

    yaye FIRST WIN FOR "No Other" On Music Bank 9th July 2010^^
    Leeteuk looking Great :) Still keeping that smile on his face :)

    , 22:10